
Sheffield Refractories runs a complete in-house installation team


In terms of Installation expertise Sheffield Refractories has managed projects of a value of more than £1M and regularly runs major Cement Plant Maintenance Repairs at values in excess of £500K. Other industries in which the company is particularly active include Iron & Steel, Incineration, Waste to Energy and CFB Boilers. The package offered by the company includes Project Management, Technical Drawing Services, Wrecking Services, Anchor supply and fixing, Materials Supply and a full Refractory Installation Services. Although Sheffield Refractories is active in a wide range of Installation Work and specialises in projects were the company can realise the benefits of supplying and installing its own Monolithic Materials, Project Management and sub-contract installation services are also considered independently of Material supply.

The Team

Sheffield Refractories has an installation Team of 20 experienced Monolithic Refractory installers all who are Full Time employees of the company and all who have worked for the company for at least 10 years. This is a close knit team who are used to working together and whose individual skills have been honed to complement each other. The Team, which also includes specialist joiners, welders and Bricklayers, is run by a small management group who have extensive and wide ranging experience of the Refractory Installation Market. To supplement the in-house Installation Team the company can also use further tiers of ‘known’ Contract Labour ranging from Individuals who work with Sheffield Refractories for a significant part of the year through to specialist installers that are contracted as required.

When not involved in Installation Projects the primary Installation Team are seconded to materials manufacture. This system has played a major part in the parallel development of new monolithic materials and installation technology. The Sheffield Refractories Manufacturing, Installation and Technical teams genuinely function as a Single Unit. The company actively encourages the situation where a Shotcrete Nozzle or Pump Operator has manufactured the product he is installing.


Sheffield Refractories is the UK’s leading Supplier and Installer of Shotcrete Materials. The company runs a fleet of Shotcrete Pumps with very experienced, dedicated teams of operators.

Sheffield Refractories has also established Shotcrete Technology Partnerships with key Refractory Companies in India, (CUMI) and Turkey, (Sormas). With Shotcrete Installations attention to detail is absolutely essential if consistent high levels of performance are to be achieved. As a manufacturer and installer of Monolithic Refractories Sheffield Refractories has had a genuine opportunity to fully understand all aspects of Shotcrete Technology and to eliminate any issues and problems.

ISO 9001

Sheffield Refractories is the only UK Company to have ISO 9000 Accreditation both as a manufacturer and installer; ISO 9000 Accreditation for Training has also recently been achieved.